Let it be known that when you climb a reasonably tall tree, and then do a cherry drop on a (thankfully low-hanging) branch in an effort to gain back your youthful joie-de-vivre, but then you fall out of said tree because you are not ten years old anymore and you are sleep-deprived and maybe a bit hysterical, you have nobody but yourself to blame. That is all.
*rubs sore shoulder*
Apparently, I was riding a false sense of confidence high after working on some fun gymnastic-y stuff at the gym today. It felt so good to do some backbends and handstands and front walk overs again. It's also the first time in years, I think, that I managed a back walkover without any help. I fully want to be that 90 year old woman someday who schools all the young 'uns by sprinting up a mountain or something. OK, I'll totally be happy just to have both of my hips and all of my own teeth at that age, even if I am motoring around in a scooter with a flag on it with all of my ancient, toothless dogs crammed around me like some canine version of Tetris. I will also probably be wearing all the t-shirts with kittens on them that I want. But they will still be kind of sexy t-shirts (is there any other kind of kitten t-shirt?).
On the other hand! My sister Emma and her partner Steve are driving down here as we speak! I am deliriously excited, because they're already in Portland so they'll be here soon. I have heaps of study to do (being that I'm smack in the middle of midterms), but we'll be able to squeeze in coffee breaks and dinners and maybe even some cheeky drinks later on tonight. It's just that I don't want to have to study at all. You *could* say that I'm experiencing...an Emma Dilemma. Hey-o!
A natural history of the elusive globetrotting Canadian vet student. Snap on your latex gloves and come along for the ride.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Chester, Dixie, and Iska
...for when I need 3 very, very important reminders of why I'm in vet school.
Dixie and Chester and their (in)famous car snuggles- I guess they didn't have much choice. Ever try to fit 200 lbs of dog in the back of a Toyota Echo? |
Iska- the best childhood friend a girl could ever have. |
Dixie surveys her Queendom and one of my favorite places in the world- the South Okanagan, British Columbia. |
More Dixie and Chester road trip antics. Super obscene, yet pretty adorable. |
Those eyes break my heart. They used to watch my every move, and I miss that gaze every single day. |
Chester was a water dog through and through, and I enjoyed exploiting his obsession for my own amusement. :) |
Chester's favorite co-pilot position and signature move- his head on my shoulder. |
Iska flaunts one of her (shocking) haircuts. |
My girls. It is perplexing to me that in this shot the Cairn Terrier looks to be half the size of the Great Dane. |
Dog of my heart. |
The kids taking a break while hiking the North Coast Trail. San Josef Bay, Vancouver Island, BC. |
I remember this day so well...a gorgeous, sunny day with the dogs in Fort Langley, BC. |
Trying to get a nice, posed shot...take fifty. Ah well, this one's better, anyway! |
Chester and I took a road trip every summer, just the two of us, for nearly all of his 13 years. |
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Sympathy, people.
![]() |
Ignore the smirk, I'm in severe physical pain. |
Here's the photographic evidence. I realize that from here, it looks like there's only *possibly* a bit of a shadow there, but in real life TRUST ME- I look pretty badass. Now all I need is a couple of tear drop tattoos and I'll be set. I think it nicely accentuates the ever-growing bags under my eyes, don't you?
Today, I add yet another amusing mishap to the list of Things That Only Happen To Caitlin. Almost a year ago to the week, I put my knee through a glass window in Perth. Yes, I was sober. This resulted in a torn meniscus, emergency surgery, a 4-day hospital stay, and my very own 5-inch Harry Potter lighting scar over my knee.
OK, so this isn't that dramatic- but it is pretty funny. The other night, I was playing a stupid chase game on the floor with Andy. He had his giant black Kong, and he was charging around (in that slow, kind of stiff, sweet, old-dog way), doing his best zoomies around the living room and in and out of my bedroom. I was crouched on the floor in my room, stomping with my hands on the floor every time he flew past me and thoroughly egging him on. His mouth was open in a huge grin, his eyes were wide and crazy, and he was growling and flailing around and generally having a grand old time. I have sort of a narrow hallway, and at one point he did a play bow at me, turned, and crashed into the hall closet door. It was the saddest, most hilarious thing ever- but maybe a bit more sad, because he yelped and dropped his Kong. When he came running over to me for some comfort, I was more than happy to oblige.
I gathered him up in my arms on the floor, and gave him some kisses on his big giant block head. Of course, I didn't pay close enough attention to the fact that he had frozen in my lap, and had his set of Crazy Eyes going. He was still in play mode. As I leaned down once again to kiss his head, he lurched out of my lap and went flying down the hallway to grab his Kong again. The only problem was he had first punched me in the eye with a front leg (complete with freshly-clipped nails- ouch) and, if that weren't enough, soundly slammed his cranium into my face as he made his getaway. It was like, "BAM! Gotcha! Oh wait- here comes my brain box for Round Two!" Andy 1, Caitlin 0.
I sat there for a second, started laughing, and then thought, "ouch". When I opened both eyes and looked up, there was Andy standing in the doorway, tail waving slowly and Kong in his mouth. He looked so earnest- it was like he was thinking, "what are you still doing down there?" Upon examination in the mirror, my left eye was red and swollen and I had a big scratch down the lid. At the time, I also saw the discoloration start...sure enough, on day three, I now have a little bitty black eye to wear proudly as a reminder of what Andy really thinks about me. I'm sure he's been waiting for an excuse for a long time. ;-) He's so cute though. Over the years, I've had far more "love" injuries from animals than the other kind. Chester gave me at least 3 nosebleeds in his life and many more fat lips from over-exuberant greetings, and who can ever forget the sweetness of eager foster kittens literally climbing your bare legs in the bathroom in the middle of the night? Pretty sure I still have a scar or ten as a result of that.
On a totally unrelated note, I am sitting in a coffee shop "studying" (clearly), and I have been totally eavesdropping on the most fascinating conversation about politics between a group of maybe sixty- and seventy-something women. I didn't mean to, but they have such conscientious, intelligent, reasonable arguments for everything. Somebody get these ladies a presidential nomination for 2016 (or immediately, if the unthinkable happens)!
Only 2.5 more weeks, 5 exams, and one major presentation to get through before I get to come home for American Thanksgiving (4 day weekend!!). Then, only a couple more weeks after that, and I have a month off to spend with family and friends in Vancouver. It can't come soon enough, at this point.
Well, back to work I go. Central nervous system drugs beckon! xo
OK, so this isn't that dramatic- but it is pretty funny. The other night, I was playing a stupid chase game on the floor with Andy. He had his giant black Kong, and he was charging around (in that slow, kind of stiff, sweet, old-dog way), doing his best zoomies around the living room and in and out of my bedroom. I was crouched on the floor in my room, stomping with my hands on the floor every time he flew past me and thoroughly egging him on. His mouth was open in a huge grin, his eyes were wide and crazy, and he was growling and flailing around and generally having a grand old time. I have sort of a narrow hallway, and at one point he did a play bow at me, turned, and crashed into the hall closet door. It was the saddest, most hilarious thing ever- but maybe a bit more sad, because he yelped and dropped his Kong. When he came running over to me for some comfort, I was more than happy to oblige.
I gathered him up in my arms on the floor, and gave him some kisses on his big giant block head. Of course, I didn't pay close enough attention to the fact that he had frozen in my lap, and had his set of Crazy Eyes going. He was still in play mode. As I leaned down once again to kiss his head, he lurched out of my lap and went flying down the hallway to grab his Kong again. The only problem was he had first punched me in the eye with a front leg (complete with freshly-clipped nails- ouch) and, if that weren't enough, soundly slammed his cranium into my face as he made his getaway. It was like, "BAM! Gotcha! Oh wait- here comes my brain box for Round Two!" Andy 1, Caitlin 0.
I sat there for a second, started laughing, and then thought, "ouch". When I opened both eyes and looked up, there was Andy standing in the doorway, tail waving slowly and Kong in his mouth. He looked so earnest- it was like he was thinking, "what are you still doing down there?" Upon examination in the mirror, my left eye was red and swollen and I had a big scratch down the lid. At the time, I also saw the discoloration start...sure enough, on day three, I now have a little bitty black eye to wear proudly as a reminder of what Andy really thinks about me. I'm sure he's been waiting for an excuse for a long time. ;-) He's so cute though. Over the years, I've had far more "love" injuries from animals than the other kind. Chester gave me at least 3 nosebleeds in his life and many more fat lips from over-exuberant greetings, and who can ever forget the sweetness of eager foster kittens literally climbing your bare legs in the bathroom in the middle of the night? Pretty sure I still have a scar or ten as a result of that.
On a totally unrelated note, I am sitting in a coffee shop "studying" (clearly), and I have been totally eavesdropping on the most fascinating conversation about politics between a group of maybe sixty- and seventy-something women. I didn't mean to, but they have such conscientious, intelligent, reasonable arguments for everything. Somebody get these ladies a presidential nomination for 2016 (or immediately, if the unthinkable happens)!
Only 2.5 more weeks, 5 exams, and one major presentation to get through before I get to come home for American Thanksgiving (4 day weekend!!). Then, only a couple more weeks after that, and I have a month off to spend with family and friends in Vancouver. It can't come soon enough, at this point.
Well, back to work I go. Central nervous system drugs beckon! xo
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